2015 legjobb könyvborítói

Lehet-e előítéletünk egy könyvvel szemben? Igen és kell is, hiszen most félresöprünk minden olyan felesleges tényezőt mint például a téma vagy a szerző. Mert bár gondolhatjuk naivan, hogy egy könyvet nem a borítója alapján fogunk megvásárolni és jó esetben elolvasni, de az igazság az, hogy mindig a borítón szereplő kép fogja az első benyomást adni.Can we be judgemental against a book? Yes, we can, and we have to because we’re about to demolish all the superfluous factors such as the topic or the author. We can think naively that we won’t buy and read books based on their covers, but to be frank, we first see the cover, and that influences us to a great extent.

A New York Times (Matt Dorfman) összeszedte 2015 legjobbnak ítélt könyvborítóit. A „magyarázó” borítók helyett a grafik most mindent visz, kérdés, hogy levennéd-e ezért a polcról.

The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector
Design by Paul Sahre

Satin Island by Tom McCarthy
Design by Peter Mendelsund

KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps by Nikolaus Wachsmann
Design by Alex Merto

Making Nice by Matt Sumell
Design by Gray318

Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O’Connor
Design by Charlotte Strick

Trans: A Memoir by Juliet Jacques
Illustration by Joanna Walsh

The Liar’s Club (20th Anniversary Edition) by Mary Karr
Design by Paul Buckley

Witches of America by Alex Mar
Design by Rachel Willey

Voices in the Night by Steven Millhauser

Design by Janet Hansen

Imperium by Christian Kracht
Design by Adalis Martinez

“The Librarian” – Mikhail Elizarov
Design: David Pearson

The Musical Brain by César Aira

Design by Rodrigo Corral and Zak Tebbal

The New Yort Times (Matt Dorfman) has created a list of the best book covers from 2015. Instead of the „explanatory” book covers, the graphic takes it over, the question is whether you take the books from the shelves or not.

The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector
Design by Paul Sahre

Satin Island by Tom McCarthy
Design by Peter Mendelsund

KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps by Nikolaus Wachsmann
Design by Alex Merto

Making Nice by Matt Sumell
Design by Gray318

Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O’Connor
Design by Charlotte Strick

Trans: A Memoir by Juliet Jacques
Illustration by Joanna Walsh

The Liar’s Club (20th Anniversary Edition) by Mary Karr
Design by Paul Buckley

Witches of America by Alex Mar
Design by Rachel Willey

Voices in the Night by Steven Millhauser

Design by Janet Hansen

Imperium by Christian Kracht
Design by Adalis Martinez

“The Librarian” – Mikhail Elizarov
Design: David Pearson

The Musical Brain by César Aira

Design by Rodrigo Corral and Zak Tebbal