
speculative design

What will we eat in 100 years? Artists and speculative designers on the food of the future
hype lab

What will we eat in 100 years? Artists and speculative designers on the food of the future

In 100 years, will there still be honey and coffee on Earth? Will Haribo Goldbears go extinct, will we still be able to make paprikás krumpli (paprika potatoes), if the climate change doesn’t slow down? What strategies do researchers of the future of food and diet use in order
The art of active thinking about nature and technology

The art of active thinking about nature and technology

It’s not easy to define Fuzzy Earth’s work: they operate at the boundaries of architecture, design, art, agriculture, horticulture and technology, while their mediums go beyond these categories. They demystify entrenched belief systems, encourage reflection and questioning while not seek to simplify the complex layers of our world.
The living spaces of the future through the eyes of a Barcelona-based design studio

The living spaces of the future through the eyes of a Barcelona-based design studio

Six. n five, the Barcelona-based design studio with their new series entitled “What if?” envisions a speculative future where humanity lives in vastly different living conditions but which is still full of familiar associations. The studio envisions a new space-age in which they reflect upon the objects, practices, and behaviors
Speculative car interiors | Lexus

Speculative car interiors | Lexus

How would the car interior of the future look if we got rid of all unnecessary factors? Playing with this idea, Lexus asked designers from three different fields to unleash their imagination in designing the interior of the electric LF-Z model. In the vivid spatial concept of shoe designer Salehe