
A Hype&Hyper egy olyan műhely, amely a digitális és fizikai világ határán egyensúlyozva keresi megoldásait saját projektjei és partnerei számára. Történetekből fejlesztünk termékeket, egyszerre állítunk elő vagy kínálunk tartalmat és kézzelfogható tárgyakat.

Az online és a nyomtatott felületeinket úgy alakítottuk ki, hogy partnereink és missziónk számára a lehető leghatékonyabb elérést biztosítsuk.

A műhely sarokkövei a magazin, a stúdió, a store és a trendelemző képességünk, melyek együtt felületet, digitális és fizikai termékeket, valamint azok hatékonyságát és célszerűségét alátámasztó kutatásokat eredményeznek.



As a Budapest-based brand that speaks to the global community, we strive to support a strong and free, sovereign and open Central and Eastern Europe that provides a dignified and prosperous life for its people, a thriving market, and an innovative business environment and international, global perspectives for its companies.

We aim to make our large regional companies widely recognized and more attractive to the business world; to ensure that the global media understand our unique worldview and perspective; and to have our cities, landscapes, artists and designers discovered and known around the world.

We aim to build our own narrative and context about our region, nations, and the strategies that can make this part of the world more visible and comprehensible. Our online magazine is almost ten years old, and in 2020 we launched its printed version, distributed throughout the region, Western Europe and North America with a broader set of topics, involving business and regional policies, geopolitical and foreign policy strategies as an explanation of the concept of the CEE region.

Our studio is the agency arm of the Group, alongside the magazine and store.

We set it up to develop and produce graphic design and video content, with a dedicated team to support the work of our editorial team and partners.

Hype Store is a platform that plays an active role in promoting and introducing the products of Eastern and Central European designers to the market.

The store also aims to join forces with the magazine to produce content about designers, their products and their work, which can attract the attention of the global media and international market to help sell their products. Our revamped online store will return in autumn 2022 with a much broader product portfolio than before.

new posters - fordítsd le magyarra



Unique Budapest based posters, Hype&Hyper's first limited clothing and more than 20 accecories from the most premium brands like CHROMIEZ.