When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, they say. A student group in Michigan did just that when they created a beautiful, versatile glass out of species of mussels dangerous to the eco-system.
Originating from Russia and Ukraine respectively, zebra and quagga mussels started to spread in the lakes of North America in the past years as a result of the climate change. The non-original species significantly change the chemism of the water and thus are extremely harmful to the eco-system. Quagga mussels are also spreading in Lake Balaton aggressively.

Design students Emily Marquette, Mahsa Banadaki and Wei Huang started off from this problem. By heating the mussels and breaking them down in a process, the team has been able to create vibrant copper blue soda lime glass (check their work process in this video). The glass created this way is suitable for both crafts and industrial use.

Source: designboom

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