Nowadays, it’s no surprise that everyone has a camera in their bag, around their neck or in their pocket when we travel. The popularization of photography and the widespread use of advanced technologies has led many people to degrade the photographic profession. We present some evidence to debunk this claim in our actual project gallery, so come with us!
Even though everybody can press the shutter release button today, it has to be said that it makes a difference who does it. Without wishing to privilege creativity, let’s explore the subject with a simple experience in mind. The combined rise of social media and professional, smart devices quickly led to the sharing of reproductions. Even in the pre-Facebook world, many platforms found that sharing images was essential for effective communication. And the rise of Instagram has made it clear to us all that visuality is the primary language of human communication, and only after that comes the written context.
If you scroll through Insta-feeds, you can conclude that the majority of people are professional photographers. But what does professionalism mean today? Is it technical equipment? Theoretical knowledge? Practice? No. When it comes to defining an artist practicing their profession, it is not their specialized equipment and series of degrees that define the essence of their work but their unique and individual creative vision and taste. The human spirit has always valued uniqueness and novelty, which is doubly true in the art world. So, let’s take this as a guide when looking for a good photographer and visual professional.
URBAN GEOMETRY // TALLINN VIII (The industrial series) | Tallinn, Estonia
Andrés Gallardo Albajar

Mitchell Rouse

Night Time | Hshinpej, Taiwan
Y.P Jhou

Everywhere At the End of Time III | Portland, USA
Brendon Burton

Color Berlin IV | Berlin, Germany
Matthias Heiderich

Favorite interiors of the week_84

Apple has sealed its new Istanbul store in glass