Fresa by Oana Stănescu is inspired by and dedicated among others to the strawberry pickers and estimated 1 million seasonal workers in agriculture across the EU.
An ode to the fruit, the earth, and the people that help bring this beloved produce to the table and our lips, the intervention unfolds as an oversized, upside-down, and inside-out strawberry nested in Logroño’s Plaza Santa Ana.

Material-wise, the architect opted for a soft plywood exoskeleton that gently contrasts with the smooth stone textures of the surrounding buildings, with a red-colored fabric complementing the wooden framework. Stănescu describes the experience as one steps inside her installation: “A small opening asks us to bow to discover the strawberry-like interior: a soft red cocoon with seed-shaped light rays. A rich and peaceful introverted space, foreign to the outside world.”


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