
contemporary jewelry

What is beyond the objects? | Art by Réka Lőrincz

What is beyond the objects? | Art by Réka Lőrincz

As absurd as they may seem at first glance, Réka Lőrincz’s works are just as experimental. In the work of the Hungarian artist, social sensitivity is complemented with a touch of humor and sophistication. Contemporary jewelry, objects, and installations at the intersection of body, mind, and soul. Interview. Réka
Enclosing music in form

Enclosing music in form

The pieces of Sapi Szilágyi’s latest collection, BUDAI SMUKK, become wearable thoughts—the exceptional, vitreous enamel jewelry pieces were inspired by the songs of the band Ivan & The Parazol’s latest album, BUDAI POP. The photos of the collection, which debuted at the Budapest Jewelry Week, were taken in
Accessories in focus: Budapest Jewelry Week
contemporary jewelry

Accessories in focus: Budapest Jewelry Week

This is the 8th edition of the Budapest Jewelry Week (BJW), organized in collaboration with SYDA—Studio of Young Designers Association. The event will take place between 12 and 18 September 2022 and aims to promote contemporary jewelry, giving the opportunity to Hungarian and foreign artists to present their latest
Contemporary jewelry and textiles? Head to Veszprém! | Érintkezések / Contacts

Contemporary jewelry and textiles? Head to Veszprém! | Érintkezések / Contacts

Veszprém, “the city of the queens,” can be an exciting destination for many reasons if you are heading for the Central Transdanubian region. In 2023, culture will take center stage, as the city will be the European Capital of Culture. But it is worth focusing our attention here now, because
“Jewelry hides secrets to be deciphered” | Interview with Anna Börcsök

“Jewelry hides secrets to be deciphered” | Interview with Anna Börcsök

For Anna Börcsök, jewelry designer, jewelry is not just an object, but a medium that can connect people. She herself does not shy away from asking uncomfortable questions through a piece of jewelry. Most recently, for example, she decided to use cans as the basic material for her jewelry. Interview!
Can chewed gum become jewelry?

Can chewed gum become jewelry?

An illusory necklace, a brooch resembling wire fences, and a duck head in solid gold—including these and other unusual pieces are on display at the “IDOL” exhibition at Budapest Jewelry Week. The show, which runs until September 12, features work by some of the world’s best-known jewelry designers
Nature enclosed in jewelery | Metaformi

Nature enclosed in jewelery | Metaformi

Mother nature has been perfecting its own treasures for thousands of years: marbles, granites, gemstones—Tatiana Lesajová combines these in her collections, thus embodying eternal timelessness. Metaformi was founded in 2016 by Tatiana Lesajová, who at that time had no experience in jewelry making, but dreamed up her brand as
Feminine and bold | Fruzsi Fekete Jewelry unveils new pieces

Feminine and bold | Fruzsi Fekete Jewelry unveils new pieces

This time, Fruzsi Fekete, the designer and manufacturer of jewelry pieces evoking timeless elegance and soft femininity, delights those looking for truly one of a kind and special jewelry with even more exciting pieces. As the name might suggest, the main motifs of the „Curves” collection are dynamic and playful
Museum of Applied Arts acquires contemporary jewelry pieces

Museum of Applied Arts acquires contemporary jewelry pieces

Ten pieces made by Hungarian contemporary jewelry designers have been added to the metalwork collection of the Museum of Applied Arts this year. Pieces of jewelers including Fruzsi Fekete, Sapi Szilágyi and Kinga Huber made it into the museum’s collection. Ráth György Villa opened its doors again in the
From cork to building mesh | Meet the winners of the HYPEANDHYPER award

From cork to building mesh | Meet the winners of the HYPEANDHYPER award

Experimentalist attitude, bravery, humility. This is how we can describe jewelry designers Eszter Anna Balázs, Judit Jeney and Eszter Seres the best, who showcased their works to the audience of Art Jewelry Night in the framework of a special exhibition a few weeks ago. We realized it already then and
Colorful, life-affirming, humorous: a review on the 6th Art Jewelry Night

Colorful, life-affirming, humorous: a review on the 6th Art Jewelry Night

Ékszerek Éjszakája Budapest (Art Jewelry Night Budapest) was held for the sixth time between September 14 and 20 this year, which, despite its name, was not concentrated on a single evening. The Budapest-based event series focusing on contemporary jewelry grew into a one-week event in 2020, and was not even
„Everything will be just as sparkly” | Art Jewelry Night Budapest 2020

„Everything will be just as sparkly” | Art Jewelry Night Budapest 2020

The Ékszerek Éjszakája (Art Jewelry Night) grew out to be a one-week program series, expected to be rich in professional events even in spite of the difficulty of organization: from September 14, 2020, individual and group contemporary jewelry exhibitions will open one after another, several exhibitions a day, so it


Harsány Patrícia ékszertervező a karantén idejére egy száz napos tervezői kihívásba kezdett: Quarantine Jewellery című vizuális tárgynaplójában mindennap egy olyan új ékszert dokumentál, amelyet a közvetlen környezetében talált tárgyakból készít. A karanténnak lassan vége, de a projektnek még korántsem – bemutatjuk a készülő sorozatot! Cérnák, mosogatószivacs, kockacukor és pogácsaszaggató… erről a
HYPE | Weekly online program guide
contemporary jewelry

HYPE | Weekly online program guide

We will kick this week off with a great initiative, the charity auction launched by Art Jewelry Night of Budapest, then we’ll visit the online evaluation of the graphic designers of MOME, and we also recommend several options for boring evenings: interviews with designers, Bauhaus experimental movies and award-winning
HYPE | Heti online programajánló

HYPE | Heti online programajánló

Ezt a hetet egy remek kezdeményezéssel, az Ékszerek Éjszakája szervezésében indított jótékonysági aukcióval indítjuk, majd benézünk a MOME grafikusainak online kiértékelésére, az unalmas estékre pedig több opcióval is készültünk: tervezői interjúk, bauhaus kísérleti filmek, és az elmúlt évek fesztiválkedvenc magyar dokumentumfilmjei is elérhetőek még néhány napig. Lássuk! KORONA / ÉKSZER – Aukció
HYPE | Weekly online program guide
contemporary jewelry

HYPE | Weekly online program guide

We’ll kick this week off with some jewelry, we’ll check out the fashion history exhibition of the Hungarian National Museum, and we’ll close the week with an online collage workshop. Our weekly selection also includes interviews with Hungarian and foreign designers, and for the kids, we recommend
HYPE | Heti online programajánló

HYPE | Heti online programajánló

Ezt a hetet ékszerekkel indítjuk, majd benézünk a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum divattörténeti kiállítására, végül pedig egy online kollázs workshoppal zárunk. Hazai és külföldi tervezők interjúival is készültünk nektek, a gyerekeknek pedig építészettel kapcsolatos programot ajánlunk a hétre. Mutatjuk a részleteket! emptyroom.art – Harsány Patrícia ékszerei A mozambiki emptyroom.art [https:
DORKA S. Jewelry | Jewelry and architecture

DORKA S. Jewelry | Jewelry and architecture

Timeless pieces of jewelry, emphasizing feminine energy, independence and the personality of the person wearing them. The collections of DORKA S. Jewelry manifest the creator’s love for architecture: the lines of the brand’s latest collection DOORS echo details of different gates and doors. Let’s see the details.
Cool, bold and elegant | A new collection by Fruzsi Fekete Jewelry

Cool, bold and elegant | A new collection by Fruzsi Fekete Jewelry

The previous collection of jewelry designer Fruzsi Fekete has stole the hearts of all women, and for a reason: the filigree and feminine pieces of the popular “Leaves” collection are the perfect examples of timeless elegance, with some added romance. Now the jewelry designer launches a new collection: we also
HYPE | Weekly program guide
contemporary jewelry

HYPE | Weekly program guide

Even we ourselves don’t know why, but this week is full of good lecture series and discussions, may it be about fashion, urbanism, festival management, speculative design or sustainable design. We also added two workshops to spice it up a bit. Let’s see the details! Creative Bureaucracy: urban
HYPE | Heti programajánló

HYPE | Heti programajánló

Mi magunk sem tudjuk, hogy miért, de ez a hét hemzseg a jobbnál jobb előadássorozatoktól és beszélgetésektől, legyen szó divatról, urbanisztikáról, fesztiválmenedzsmentről, spekulatív designról, vagy éppen fenntartható tervezésről. Azért lazításképp két workshopot is beiktattunk. Mutatjuk a részleteket! Kreatív Bürokrácia: városi (lét)kérdések II. Hétfő este folytatódik a Lumenben [https://www.
HYPE | Weekly program guide

HYPE | Weekly program guide

Although the mornings are still chilly, the sunny weather and the super-fine programs lure us out, insomuch that we are even willing to leave the city on the weekends for contemporary jewelry and glass art shows. If you’d rather stay in the city, we recommend two talks on architecture
HYPE | Heti programajánló

HYPE | Heti programajánló

Habár a reggelek még hidegek, a napos idő, és a jobbnál jobb programok kifelé csalogatnak minket, olyannyira, hogy kortárs ékszer- és üvegművészeti kiállításokért még a várost is szívesen elhagyjuk a hétvégén. Ha pedig város, akkor két építészeti és urbanisztikai előadást is ajánlanánk, de fókuszba kerül a lengyel plakátművészet, egy világhírű


Visszafogottabb, elegáns, pasztell vagy sötétben világító, vibráló színárnyalatok: kisszériás, kézzel készített ékszerek, amelyek festményszerű alkotásokként egészítik ki mindennapi vagy alkalmi viseletünket. Fazakas Réka Rebekával, a REBEKARTS ékszerek megálmodójával beszélgettünk. Textiltervező művészként végeztél az egyetemen, most mégis ékszerkészítéssel foglalkozol. Mikor alkottad meg első ékszered, hogyan indult el a REBEKARTS? Egyetemi tanulmányaim