

Balaton Modern

Balaton Modern

When you get off the ferry at Badacsony, you hardly notice the building designed by Ferenc Callmeyer, which opened its doors as the Tátika Restaurant in 1962. Its exciting cantilevered floor hung five meters above the water, where a confectionery and bar were operating. A valuable late-modern creation, beautifully integrated
Polish posters for your home!—The latest publication of Zupagrafika is out

Polish posters for your home!—The latest publication of Zupagrafika is out

Zupagrafika’s latest publication is a selection of masterpieces of Polish poster art. Iconic film and theater posters from the ‘Polish School of Posters’ period were displayed in the streets of the former Polish People’s Republic on one of the most prominent tools of urban architecture: the poster column.
Új, szuper limitált plakátkollekció érkezett a Hype Store-ba

Új, szuper limitált plakátkollekció érkezett a Hype Store-ba

Korábban írtunk Jiri Kubik és Jan Rambousek különleges projektjéről, a Czechoslovakian Inkről, amelyben a kreatív páros az ötvenes és hetvenes évek gyufacímkéiből válogatott ki hatszázat, és egy kivitelezésében és tartalmában is különleges, Red Dot-díjjal is jutalmazott kiadványt hoztak létre belőlük. A grafikákból egy limitált darabszámú plakátkollekció is készült, amely válogatott
New super limited edition poster collection arrives in the Hype Store

New super limited edition poster collection arrives in the Hype Store

Previously, we wrote about Jiri Kubik and Jan Rambousek’s special project, Czechoslovakian Ink, in which the creative duo selected 600 matchbox labels from the 1950s and 1970s and created a publication with unique design and content, which also won a Red Dot Award. The artwork was also used to
Disney hires Polish artists to promote the new season of The Mandalorian

Disney hires Polish artists to promote the new season of The Mandalorian

To promote the new third season of The Mandalorian, Disney has hired six Polish artists—Patryk Hardziej, Maciej Polak, Iza Dudzik, Aleksandra Jasionowska, Jakub Kamiński and Bobuk—to create special posters about the story of the Mandalorian and Grogu. The Mandalorian is a sci-fi series created by Jon Favreau for