

Retailers, who dare to dream big | Gestalten launches new publication

Retailers, who dare to dream big | Gestalten launches new publication

This book is a guide for the next generation of businesses. Meet the innovative entrepreneurs who run shops, and learn how you can become a successful business owner, too.
Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Nostalgic atmosphere, hours of searching, exciting covers, new genres and never-heard-before performers. You find the right one, take it out of the case, put it on the player, lower the needle, the vinyl squeaks and the music starts—the sound is perfect. Vinyls are experiencing their true renaissance, so in
’Cause nothing beats the local—Behind the scenes: Ádám Kovács, deli owner
behind the scenes

’Cause nothing beats the local—Behind the scenes: Ádám Kovács, deli owner

It is pure happiness when one’s kitchen cabinet or pantry shelf is full of delicious homemade jams, pâtés, preserves and syrups. However, we are not always so fortunate to have a grandma in the countryside to supply us such delicacies, and sometimes we also have less time to hustle
Time travel in the present—the heyday of the iconic retro | TOP 5

Time travel in the present—the heyday of the iconic retro | TOP 5

Retro objects can take us back to the past, to the carefree world of our childhood. It is a strange duality that no matter how we felt at different stages of the twentieth century, we fondly remember contemporary lamps, boho ceramics, or playful (sometimes almost terrifying) porcelain—we love retro
Even experts are dazzled by these special gourmet shops in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Even experts are dazzled by these special gourmet shops in Eastern Europe | TOP 5

Although our food shopping habits are truly different and may vary from person to person, the majority agree that the overwhelming crowds of the shops—which we can expect most in the late afternoon and early evening—the queues at the registers and the long minutes of waiting are all
Az ínyenceket is elkápráztatják ezek a különleges gourmet boltok Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Az ínyenceket is elkápráztatják ezek a különleges gourmet boltok Kelet-Európából | TOP 5

Bár az élelmiszervásárlási szokásaink igazán változatosak és egyénenként eltérőek lehetnek, abban azonban a többség egyetért, hogy az üzleteket elöntő tömeg – melyre leginkább a késő délutáni, valamint a kora esti órákban számíthatunk –, a kasszáknál kígyózó sorok és a hosszú percekig tartó várakozás mind olyan tényezők, melyek kellemetlenné és kimerítővé teszik ezt
Special handicrafts in an unusual environment | VALAMI Hazai

Special handicrafts in an unusual environment | VALAMI Hazai

In the eighth district of Budapest, at 14 Práter Street, we can find a really exciting concept: on one side of the gate is the VALAMI Produktív All-Arts Workshop, and on the other the VALAMI Hazai Fine and Applied Art Design Store selling design objects. In this not-so-ordinary environment, which
Különleges kézműves termékek cseppet sem megszokott környezetben | VALAMI Hazai

Különleges kézműves termékek cseppet sem megszokott környezetben | VALAMI Hazai

Budapest nyolcadik kerületében, a Práter utca 14. szám alatt egy igazán izgalmas koncepcióval találkozhatunk: a kapu egyik oldalán a VALAMI Produktív Összművészeti Alkotóműhely, a másikon pedig a VALAMI Hazai képző- és iparművészeti designtárgyakat áruló bolt helyezkedik el. Ebben a kicsit sem hétköznapi, a magyar művészeknek teret biztosító környezetben már a
A cavalcade of colors, smells and tastes—Indian culture in Hungary

A cavalcade of colors, smells and tastes—Indian culture in Hungary

Those who once experience India’s unparalleled cultural and gastronomic cacophony can never escape it—but in a good sense. Even though the world’s second-most populous country is far away from us geographically, it is still easy to enter the world of South Asia from across the border, thanks
Like a local #2—Culinaria Italia, Tökmag Vegan Street Food, Flow

Like a local #2—Culinaria Italia, Tökmag Vegan Street Food, Flow

Our series continues, where we present the best gastronomic places in Budapest, more precisely our current favorites, where you can often see us. In the first episode, we visited a sourdough bakery in Buda, sipped basic stock in the shade of the Mammut shopping malls, and checked the shelves filled
Shopping for the future—packaging-free stores in the region | TOP 5

Shopping for the future—packaging-free stores in the region | TOP 5

As we increasingly address the issue of sustainability in our day-to-day lives, various packaging-free stores are emerging in response. By choosing zero waste stores, we are opting for a more sustainable future, while also supporting local businesses and, in many cases, getting better and healthier ingredients. Transparent offer, peaceful atmosphere,
Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Treasure hunt in the coolest record stores | TOP 5

Nostalgic atmosphere, hours of searching, exciting covers, new genres and never-heard-before performers. You find the right one, take it out of the case, put it on the player, lower the needle, the vinyl squeaks and the music starts—the sound is perfect. Vinyls are experiencing their true renaissance, so in
CZECHDESIGN launched a new store

CZECHDESIGN launched a new store

The new design store of CZECHDESIGN opened its doors on June 17 at Myslíkově 5, Prague. The interior was designed by the team of Prokš Přikryl Architekti [http://www.proksprikryl.cz/], and in addition to the usual bestsellers, visitors can also find new items on the shelves. Let’s see
Új boltot nyitott a CZECHDESIGN!

Új boltot nyitott a CZECHDESIGN!

Június 17-én nyitotta meg kapuit a CZECHDESIGN új designboltja a prágai Myslíkově 5 szám alatt. A belsőt a Prokš Přikryl Architekti [http://www.proksprikryl.cz/] csapata álmodta meg, a polcokra pedig a korábbról már jól ismert bestseller-darabok mellé újdonságok is felkerültek. Mutatjuk! A CZECHDESIGN [https://www.czechdesign.cz/] tevékenységét folyamatosan