

Hungarian designers are invited to apply for the UNICEF Pop-Up Store event

Hungarian designers are invited to apply for the UNICEF Pop-Up Store event

In view of its previous success, the organizers of the UNICEF Pop-Up Store and More, opening between 29 and 30 September in downtown Budapest, are again inviting well-known Hungarian fashion, business, and public life figures to join the initiative this year. This year’s large-scale wardrobe fair is a special
Magyar designerek jelentkezését várják az UNICEF Pop-Up Store eseményre!

Magyar designerek jelentkezését várják az UNICEF Pop-Up Store eseményre!

A szeptember 29. és 30. között, Budapest belvárosában megnyíló UNICEF Pop-Up Store and More szervezői a korábbi sikerre való tekintettel az idei évben ismét felkérik a hazai divatszakma, az üzleti- és közélet ismert szereplőit, hogy csatlakozzanak a kezdeményezéshez. A nagyszabású gardróbvásár idén a gyerekek testi-lelki jóllétéért és jogaiért küzdő UNICEF
Education for Ukrainian refugee children – how European countries help
czech republic

Education for Ukrainian refugee children – how European countries help

Children must receive education, including those fleeing the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. Many of them are still not back in the school system, but some attend online classes, and throughout Europe, several Ukrainian schools were established to provide education and community for refugee children. Report from Hype&Hyper on how different