A good topic is essential for good writing, but it also requires a lot of research, creativity, determination, and, of course, teamwork. After all, you need to find that exciting topic, often need to “hunt down” interview subjects, you need beautiful photos, creative and unique illustrations, and so many other things that make up the whole. Members of the Hype&Hyper team now tell us which articles were the most memorable to create this year!

The experimental exhibition on living the present by Anna Pakosz
A sense of profound calm pervaded the whole weekend in early September. With photographer Matti Varga we drove down to the Balaton Uplands on Sunday afternoon, without any traffic jams. In Káptalantóti, we found the narrow path that led up to the secluded meditation complex, past the vineyards. This is where artist Anna Pakosz was holding her experimental, one-night exhibition. In the beginning, I was a little worried about how the bottom of the old car would cope with the hilly terrain (judging by the sounds, it couldn’t have been particularly grateful), but then we arrived, and all thoughts of the mundane were out. We drank tea while admiring the sunset panorama, then watched pictures and listened to poetry in an unlit sauna, followed by more unconventional locations, a quiet communal time, a garden dinner and a campfire. Everyone threw a piece of paper into the fire, on which they wrote something they would like to get away from in their lives. All the while, I kept thinking that Sundays are really worth sacrificing for such occasions. We drove home in the pitch dark, full of experiences. Unusually, I hardly took notes on the event; I didn’t feel the need. And the photos we took accurately captured that special atmosphere that we experienced there.
Lilla Gollob, author

It’s hard to single out one piece of content from the past year because we’re involved in creating a lot of great content as translators. That’s why I chose a whole series, under the banner of playfulness! I really loved the Objective in October! Great characters appeared in the interviews and fascinating personal stories unfolded with the help of their objects. The fact that several editorial team members revealed their favorite items in accompanying posts made the series even more memorable and endearing for me.
Dóra Szefcsik, translator

Modern-nomadic luxury in Szekszárd
In the year 2021, which has been filled with a lot of uncertainty, tension and change (and I don’t know about you, but I’m not just talking about covid, somehow this year, everything seems to have gone off the rails), moments and places of tranquility have become even more precious to me. One of the times I experienced this was when we were doing a piece on Szegzárd—the lodge. It was refreshing to be in a place and space where everything clicked: where I already felt good because of the materials that touched my skin, from the cool concrete floors of the houses to the wool carpets and kitchen counters. I think the devil really lies in the details when designing an interior, as cliché as it sounds. Our host, Péter Dudás, absolutely had this attitude; everything in Szegzárd is just at the right place: the materials, the colors, the lighting. And, of course, the hospitality, which was so good that I owe not only a lot of inspiration to these two days but also friendships that last ever since.
Gyöngy Orsi, editor-in-chief

“Büfé” and “Foreign communities in Hungary”
I can’t choose one. I have to highlight two series. I really loved both the “Büfé” and the “Foreign Communities in Hungary” episodes because I can look at the food on my plate with new eyes.
Bianka Geiger, author

Winter shelters in the realm of snow | TOP 5

Favorite interiors of the week_91