Ancient ruins and the extravagance of contemporary architecture in a Valencian Greek restaurant

Ancient ruins and the extravagance of contemporary architecture in a Valencian Greek restaurant

Although the arts are constantly evolving, developing and changing, it can be observed that they occasionally reach back to the works of past ages for a little inspiration. This natural process is as typical of contemporary architecture as it is of music or painting. However, the question arises, how can the now very fashionable minimalist style mix with the prestigious and decorative elements of ancient Greek architecture?

The Spanish studio Masquespacio, which deals with interior design, wanted to explore this topic when creating the interior design concept of the Egeo restaurant in Valencia. The catering unit, which lies on one level, has a cave-like layout and an arched covering, which is adorned with columns reminiscent of ancient Greek churches. The walls and floors are covered with a special material, Mortex, which gives an adobe effect to the simple spaces.

Photos: Sebastian Erras

The extravagant appearance was inspired by Greek architecture and the ancient ruins hidden next to modern buildings, so everything from the color palette to the furniture was aligned with this special aesthetic. The blue-white color combination reminds us of our Mediterranean holidays, while the wooden stools and various metal and wooden tables, resembling thick chess pieces, have a simple design. The royal blue columns made with 3D printing are broken by fluorescent lamps at some points, but at others, we can only see one piece of decorative elements that are not ordinary at all. The central counter for taking orders evokes the atmosphere of bustling markets, where you can easily get acquainted with traditional Greek dishes.

Photos: Sebastian Erras

The Valencian restaurant is the Egeo chain’s first place in the city, although it already has two other restaurants in the country, in Madrid. It is worth visiting them when we are in Valencia, so that we can be impressed by the exceptional encounter between contemporary and ancient architecture.

Photos: Sebastian Erras

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Egeo | Web | Facebook | Instagram

Source: Deezen