Budapest is celebrating

Budapest is celebrating

Budapest is celebrating its 149th birthday and the Nyitva! festival is being held again in Erzsébetváros.

Five cinemas in the capital are preparing for Budapest’s birthday with a mini-festival, including a stand-up night, improvisational theater, film premieres, and concerts on Friday, 18 November. The event also marks the start of the Budapest 150 commemorative year.

And on Saturday 19 November, the Nyitva! festival will continue the celebration, which aims to provide an innovative answer to the problem of mass vacancy in ground-floor retail spaces. The goal is to make use of vacant municipal premises in the capital’s 7th district, and the KÉK—Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre will also ensure that visitors will not only get to know the properties, but also the built environment, the cultural life of the district and the history of Csikágó (Chicago—a quarter bounded by Dózsa György Road, Thököly Road, Rottenbiller Street, and Damjanich Street) through urban walks.

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