Bus stop or community center?

Bus stop or community center?

In the Polish town of Wieleń exists a multi-functional, minimalist building made of glass and concrete that locals simply refer to as the “bus stop,” but which in reality plays a much more significant role in the life of the community.

The project, called ‘Skwer Usług Kultury, Przystanek Edukacja,’ was carried out in a derelict part of Wieleń that was in dire need of revitalization. The town needed a space that would rekindle community life, where locals could have a coffee, sit in on a performance, or visit a local artist’s exhibition.

The architects at Neostudio Architekci designed a green roof for the building to combat the summer heat with natural means, and installed solar panels that provide electricity for the outdoor lighting. The building was built in the most environmentally conscious way possible, from the placement of facilities to the use of materials.

Source: Designboom
Photos: Neostudio Architekci