HIGHLIGHTS | Intimate moments

HIGHLIGHTS | Intimate moments

Christmas, with its mystical traditions, breathes a little life into everyone. This time, continuing our weekly selection of projects, we explore what really gets us in the festive spirit. Join us!

Everyone has their favorite season, their favorite weather and I’m sure everyone can tell you exactly why. The change of weather here in Central Europe in the continental climate has a big impact on people’s moods. Every season has its own particularities, and winter is no exception. However, there are socially agreed frameworks, such as holiday cycles, which can make these otherwise unpleasant times more cozy and happy.

The Christmas spirit can be seen in many ways in our environment. Christmas as a child is very different from Christmas as an adult, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. As adults, we can stand under the tree more consciously and look for the real value. Whether it’s the smell of the pine, the ambient music, the twinkle, the candlelight, or whatever the circumstance, the winter holidays are truly made complete by the community. At the end of an extremely active year, stopping and looking into each other’s eyes gives you so much more than just the glow. So this Christmas, let’s try to see each other behind the presents!

We wish you a blessed and peaceful Christmas!

The Nutcracker Series | Minneapolis, USA
Katie Kirk

MEOWXIANG Christmas Packaging 缪香 聖誕禮盒 | Taiwan
K9 Design
Kevin Lin

XMAS | Berlin, Germany
Andiara Rosés Passos

HOMER | Auckland, New Zealand
Paul Lee

Téli Rege | Budapest, Hungary
Marcell Puskás