There is a (actually two to be precise) super cool place in Prague which -if we could- we would import to Hungary right away. This is the Manifesto Market that can already be found at two spots in the Czech capital in the Florenc and Smíchov districts. The latter, so the second place was also covered by Dezeen.

The Manifesto is not only a tuned food truck yard that was dropped two points of the city. Actually, the cool-looking and cultural Manifesto was initiated by reSITE with an urban regeneration ambition: the original plan was to reconnect some abandoned lots into the circulation Prague in the Florenc district. The idea came from Martin Barry the founder of reSITE organization who thought that similar to London or Lisbon, Prague also deserves a multi-cultural hip place that not only elevates the well-being of the locals, but it enhances the city’s positive image.

This is how Manifesto Market began its journey in 2008 – only as a pop-up in the very beginning – with 27 containers on 738 square meters. The lots were filled with containers and streets between them to keep the area’s city-feeling yet being totally relaxed and having fun by the three winners of the Superstudio tender: Nikola Karabcová, Lucie Červená, and Elvira Islas who followed the principle of ’city within the city”.

In 2019 Manifesto opened up its second spot on the other side of the Moldva river in the Smíchov district. The architectural design and planning were done by the Chybik+Kristof architect’s office which by the way has roots in both the Czech-Republic and Slovakia as well. Here, in the middle of the parking lot surrounded by 11 metallic containers, the designers placed a pool -or rather ’duck pond’ or paddling pool – it looks exactly like as if a piece of historized Eastern-European architecture was injected into the world of Californian villas.
. The Manifesto Smíchov is now neighboring the neo-renaissance, Art Nouveau – style national cultural center that was built at the beginning of the 1900s. Back in the day in the yard of this beautiful building was a nice little garden – according to the photo documentation – where people could sit outside and have a refreshment. Today it is the place of Manifesto.

This is place is also characterized by the urban universe trademark of Manifesto: the narrow streets winding between the containers that are housing the places for food and drinks are reminding the visitor of the alleys of Prague, and the water of the central pool is reflecting the image of the neighboring houses.

Nowadays we cannot really enjoy the reflections in the pool but we can rent heated igloo to hold meetings or as an open office. Manifesto is a dog-friendly place, pets are more than welcome. Both Florence and Smíchov Manifestos are open the whole year from Wednesdays to Sundays. If the don’t have Czech koronas on us that is also fine since the place has a cashless policy.

We can find Manifesto Florenc under the address: Na Florence on the left side of the river, while Manifesto Smíchov is situated on the right side.