Some are terrified, others are eager to find out what artificial intelligence will bring to the art world. Matus Toth, the creator and curator of the Instagram page tinbrain, falls into the second category. We invite you to immerse yourself in the latest episode of our DIVE series. Dive in!
In our bi-weekly DIVE series, we descend into the murky waters of Instagram and bring you some of the accounts worth following.

Applications using artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly popular. One of the greatest recent sensations, for example, is a chatbot called ChatGPT, which seems to work like a magic mirror, meaning it has the answer to every question you ask. However, it is also alarming and, for many, even inspiring, that it can produce artistic texts, whether prose or lyrics, in a matter of minutes. This leads us to collectively question the primacy of man as homo creativus.

But take the phenomenon of Deepfake, where a person in a video or image is altered to appear as someone else. This also raises the question of the testability of reality: what can we now trust?
But unlike those who are worried, there are plenty of people who see the potential in such radical innovations, like Matus Toth, who believed mainly in photography until the discovery of artificial intelligence. Although he has since worked as an applied photographer—mainly in fashion and lifestyle—he says AI has opened up new horizons in his creative thinking. The first time he generated images by simply giving a command to the program, he was completely amazed by the results. What is reality? Is it only human imagination? The advent of artificial intelligence has completely changed these discourses.

Who is learning from whom? The machine from the human, or more and more vice versa? To explore these questions for others and himself, Matus has created an Instagram page called _tinbrain_, where he shares his work. For him, AI is a tool that has made previously unimaginable projects possible. During our interview, we also asked Matus to tell us about the background of some of his work.

“The pictures from the CLOUDS series were created based on the idea to display something incomprehensible. In a playful way, they make the clouds seem like they have a personality,” he explained.
“The pictures from the BIRDS series show us how birds look at us from the sky and how absurd situations are taking place on earth,” he said. He then added: “The pictures from the OLDIES series are a memory of old times. Real polaroids are transformed into a playful and sometimes terrifying new form.”

Matus recommends his Instagram page to those who are interested in new ways of creating, who like to create, and for whom the world is a play.
In two weeks, we’ll be back with the background story of another Instagram page, in the meantime, dive into the previous part of our DIVE series, where you can get a closer look at the story of PlaymoGreek.

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