Romanian homes in foggy landscapes | Felicia Simion

Romanian homes in foggy landscapes | Felicia Simion

The works of Bucharest-based artist and freelance photographer Felicia Simion are balancing between raw reality and a misty dream world: she creates her own universe in her sensitive works.

In her 2017 series of photographs ’H o m e’, she explored her country, Romania’s roads, to document country-specific buildings and observe how different landscapes, villages and cities have been affected architecturally by globalization over the past decade.

The series shows examples of surviving—sometimes abandoned—houses from the traditional world, but it also gives a more modern approach to the concept of home: apartment complexes and often empty palace-like structures also appear in it.

Felicia has separated the buildings in different landscapes, making the viewer even more thoughtful about the relationship and direct connection between the home and its surroundings, the city and traditions.

Photos: © Felicia Simion

Felicia Simion | Web | Instagram