Siesta in the heart of the Polish Tatra National Park | EN Hotel Zakopane

Siesta in the heart of the Polish Tatra National Park | EN Hotel Zakopane

Far away from the city bustle, nestled in the wild and majestic Tatras, there is a place where you can relax with a cup of hot mulled wine and enjoy the scenery. This is the EN Hotel Zakopane, offering a perfect blend of luxury and nature.

The owners, Marysia, Kubat, Kasia, and Tomek, were inspired by their ancestors’ respect for tradition and hospitality to create the hotel. Their vision was to create a resort that would offer the joys of relaxation and retreat in harmony with nature while providing premium service to its guests. They envisioned the hotel as a culinary, physical, and spiritual retreat. The EN Hotel Zakopane is an integral part of the national park, helping to promote and restore the historic splendor of the region.

The EN is an intimate resort with just 15 rooms, each with a stunning panoramic view of mountain peaks and treetops. The rooms are also designed to evoke the wilderness: the rough stone of the walls echoes the hillside, while showers give the sensation of standing under a mountain waterfall. Keeping the authenticity, the rooms were built using only genuine, natural materials that emphasize the beauty of the local environment and make you feel truly part of the mountain ecosystem.


Mountain goats, evergreens, and an altitude of 1,030 meters above sea level. The EN Hotel is located in the Tatra National Park, on the trail to Myślenickie Turnie, right on the ski slope. It is part of a Natura 2000 site, on which no new buildings are allowed, and thus the hotel is housed in the former Energetyk historical building, which was built using only stones quarried from the nearby rivers, and wood sourced from the local forests—a construction method that gave rise to the trend of the so-called murowańce (masonry houses), which was typical of the region. Even after its renovation, the building fully preserves its character and harmony with the mountain landscape, thanks to the exclusive use of materials found in the Tatras: granite, steel, and wood. The furniture and decorative elements were designed and made by local artisans, as the ars poetica of the place is that it is more important to preserve local values than to achieve perfection. In the words of the owners, “we want our guests to feel the human touch in every design element.”

The hotel’s gastronomic experience is also based on a conscious concept: authentic mountain cuisine incorporates the influences of the region and the surrounding cultures, bringing together the culinary traditions of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Wallachia, and the Carpathians in one pot. Lovers of modern cuisine won’t go hungry either, since the restaurant represents a nature-oriented and minimalist fine dining style, using ingredients sourced from the Tatras. The restaurant’s dishes marry the natural treasures of the land with contemporary needs.

But what does this seemingly austere yet homely environment have in store for us? The adventurous can explore the surrounding peaks on skis, be it just for the sport or for enjoying the scenery. The hotel provides the necessary equipment for all guests. For those who are not really into winter sports, the national park offers excellent hiking, climbing, and running opportunities. And finally, for those looking for pure relaxation, yoga and therapeutic massage offered in the hotel’s warm indoor spaces will guarantee complete rejuvenation.

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