

Wearable food, edible fashion

Wearable food, edible fashion

The collection, Tasty, is a special collaboration of two Moscow sisters. As a fashion designer, Nensi Avetisian is inspired by her Armenian ancestry and a fresh reinterpretation of sustainability, while Bella, her sister as a confectioner, conveys memories with flavors. The new level of food design! One of the most
From green roofs to multifunctional spaces: contemporary Armenian architecture

From green roofs to multifunctional spaces: contemporary Armenian architecture

The history of Armenia’s built environment goes back thousands of years – their Medieval Christian monasteries and churches are beyond doubt excellent examples of architecture and art history. In addition to reflecting on the past, their typical thick walls as well as concrete and stone buildings, Armenia’s contemporary architects
Nvard Yerkanian brings Armenian modernism to new life

Nvard Yerkanian brings Armenian modernism to new life

The new series of Armenian illustrator and graphic designer Nvard Yerkanian [https://nvardyerkanian.com/?utm_medium=website&utm_source=archdaily.com] offers an insight into the beauty and values of Armenian modernism with clean illustrations. The monumental buildings are now reduced to geometric elements and the artist aims to reveal