Artemis-1 space capsule’s successful flyby of the Moon

Artemis-1 space capsule’s successful flyby of the Moon

So far, everything is going according to plan on NASA’s space mission to prepare to send men to the Moon again.

NASA broadcast live from the Orion spacecraft of the Artemis-1 mission as it approached the Moon. After several months of delays, as we reported, last week saw the successful launch of Artemis-1, the first stage of NASA’s mission to the Moon. The craft was sent into space as a test to study in depth exactly what impact scientists would face on a live mission.

This time, as planned, the capsule will not land on the Moon, but will orbit the Moon for a week, during which time NASA scientists will take measurements, before returning to Earth. In the live broadcast, anyone could follow Orion’s approach to the Moon’s orbit and its successful landing, and even the tiny Earth could be seen in the distance. Orion will be the furthest away from Earth on 28 November, at around 497,000 kilometers, well over the 460,000 kilometers of the previous record holder, Apollo 14.

Source and photos: NASA