Ceramic collection in the language of painting

Ceramic collection in the language of painting

Vibrant hues, wavy lines, contrasts, textures, and subtle tonal transitions: the latest collection of ceramic vases from Polish brand Pani Jurek is inspired by the language of painting. Let’s see!

The brand’s founder, Magda Jurek, originally trained as a painter, which is reflected in the underlying philosophy behind the objects she designs. Her collections are characterized by their crossover between fine art, craftsmanship, and design. The objects designed by the artist take the form of sculptures or installations in which a triad of colors, textures, and shapes come to life as abstract compositions.

The same concept applies to the recently debuted BARVA collection of vases, which combines abstract geometric shapes with the organic world of plants. The limited edition collection is defined not only by its shapes but also by the contrasting yet subtle color transitions created during the glazing and engobe process. The vases can also be used as stand-alone compositions without plants, as decorative elements in our homes, or as reliefs on the wall with the help of hangers.

The BARVA collection is available in the brand’s webshop.

Photos: Maciej Miloch

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