For the seventh time, the Budapest-based Heti Betevő is organizing an art auction to raise money to feed those in need.
This year, almost 90 artists offered one or more of their works to be auctioned at the Heti Betevő online auction, including Róbert Alföldi, Ágnes Bihari, János Eifert, Tamás Féner, Sámuel Havadtőy, Győző Horváth, Judit Horváth M., Attila Kleb, Nóra L. Ritók, Bori Rutkai, Attila Stark, Ádám Tettamanti, Erzsébet Vojnich and János Vázsonyi. Heti Betevő has been distributing food in Budapest for nine years and has already raised the funds needed for its operations through six successful auctions. This year, they are facing a bigger challenge than usual: inflation and steep rises in food and utility costs have also significantly increased the cost of food preparation. In addition, they are expecting higher demand than ever before, as the economic crisis takes hold.
An exhibition of the donated works has also been organized, which can be seen between 16 and 22 October at the GODOT Institute of Contemporary Art in Budapest under the title VII. Művészek a Heti Betevőért. So, anyone can see the paintings live before bidding on them. You can take part in the online auction, closing on the evening of 23 October, here. The exhibition will also have a “Buy and Take” section where you can buy artwork without bidding.

Cover photo: Miklós Szüts: Greenland morning 2021/66 / Heti Betevő