Contemporary art in a puzzle

Contemporary art in a puzzle

Canadian jigsaw puzzle company Four Point Puzzles brought together the enjoyment of contemporary art and the joy of doing puzzles in their latest product.

In these “quasi-quarantine” times, we should look for things to do at home that not only keep us busy for a long time, but also give something permanent in addition to the pleasure. Doing a puzzle is perfect for this purpose, and the pieces of Four Point Puzzles’ new collection, Fade, which is the puzzle version of Sara Andreasson’s original artwork as well as Micah Lexier’s Several Found Things offer a quite unique opportunity within the genre.

Fade and Several Found Things as puzzles

Both puzzles come in 1000-piece sets, thus if you complete and frame them, they could indeed feel and look like true works of art in your living room. Fade is a work boasting aquarelle colors, portraying an abstract form with bold color choices – it’s perfect for resting our eyes and mind for a little bit. Several Found Things is the imprint of Lexier’s fascination with letters, diagrams, imagery, numbers and shapes, and is thus a puzzle designed for advanced players.

Four Point Puzzles | Web

Source: design milk