
Inclusive Design

Multifunctional object helps the elderly in their homes

Multifunctional object helps the elderly in their homes

DesignLibero has developed a multi-functional product that can be integrated into the home environment to meet the needs of the elderly. The growing number of elderly people worldwide highlights the importance of inclusive design. The aging population creates a societal challenge that requires innovative solutions, especially in the field of
Design for the dignity of aging

Design for the dignity of aging

From a medical aid to a fashion accessory, a digital aid to promote self-reliance, or a jewelry collection to promote intergenerational empathy. The students from Zlín were looking for solutions to make the years of aging easier for all of us. We asked Vladimíra Černá from Tomas Bata University, the
Inclusiveness in the ear—Introducing hEarrings | Dress-coding

Inclusiveness in the ear—Introducing hEarrings | Dress-coding

When it comes to inclusive design in Hungary, the name of the Dress-coding team will definitely come up. Whether it’s a stylishly comfortable corset or custom-made occasional wear for a painter with Down Syndrome, social empowerment and innovation go hand in hand. And in their latest project, they’re
They’re coming soon to the Zlin Design Week Conference!

They’re coming soon to the Zlin Design Week Conference!

This year’s Zlin Design Week Conference will be held on 9 May, where we can hear inspiring presentations about the social shaping power of design. “DESIGN THAT HELPS” is the motto of the Zlin Design Week, which will take place from 6 to 13 May. In this spirit, presentations
Breaking down the differences with analog and digital devices

Breaking down the differences with analog and digital devices

A vortex patterned asymmetrically designed fanny pack, that, in addition to its basic function, carries skill development and sound therapy technology. After all, design is not just an aesthetic object, but a force for shaping attitudes and society—this thought guided the founder of the Perceptual Thinkers brand, Dániel Szalkai
Beyond stereotypes: a lingerie that is accessible

Beyond stereotypes: a lingerie that is accessible

We read more and more about the harmful, polluting effects of textile manufacturing and textile waste generated by the fashion industry. Little is mentioned, however, about its exclusionary aspects—an issue addressed passionately by Lili Pázmány, who has pushed the boundaries of fashion and shown many times how to create
Inclusive design development from Honda for the visually impaired

Inclusive design development from Honda for the visually impaired

Honda introduces “Ashirase”, an in-shoe navigation system that makes walking safer and less stressful for the visually impaired. The navigation system works with the help of a smartphone app and a vibration device equipped with a motion sensor. Navigation is guided by the vibration of the foot, so as not
Dress-coding_01 | No need to be ashamed of the “armor”!

Dress-coding_01 | No need to be ashamed of the “armor”!

How do people living with special needs dress? What everyday challenges does dressing impose on them? Is it at all possible to find inclusive solutions that consider all their needs? The clothing items manufactured in the fast fashion system many times pose challenges for customers with a regular figure, but
Giving focus to people living with ADHD | Focus Ex

Giving focus to people living with ADHD | Focus Ex

Variable fonts that do not only fulfil an aesthetic role, but also have a functional importance: Szabolcs Vatány imagined a digital tool that makes online textual content accessible to people suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with the help of interactive typography, while enhancing the experience of digital reading.
Hack your home into a dementia-friendly environment | Hack care

Hack your home into a dementia-friendly environment | Hack care

We surround ourselves with objects on a daily basis, the use of which has become natural to us, yet for some people, it might not be this obvious. In cooperation with Lekker Architects and Lanzavecchia + Wai Studio, Singapore-based Lien Foundation now presents a way to offer a safe and comfortable
Understanding the city of the future | Meet Urbanum

Understanding the city of the future | Meet Urbanum

What does a livable, inclusive or sustainable city mean? What relationships can be formed between the built environment and the residents of the city? To whom does the city belong, for whom is it built and what factors influence it? Balázs Csizik, Géza Kulcsár and Vo Son Nam explore questions
Dollhouse reinvented | Nejbi

Dollhouse reinvented | Nejbi

A carefully designed, minimalist and loveable set of toys, taking a new approach to the concept of dollhouses: in addition to developing creative thinking and spatial sense, Nejbi also helps children acquire social sensitivity and other skills. We interviewed Agnieszka Pluszczewicz, the creator and originator of the game. In the
Rehabilitating boardgame | DUEL

Rehabilitating boardgame | DUEL

Skills development and rehabilitation with games – a minimalistic set of objects evoking classic boardgames and developing dexterity was designed specifically for those suffering from a trauma of the central nervous system. Meet the boardgame created by Polish-born Weronika Banik titled DUEL! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the latest edition of our INCLUSIVE article
Best of diploma 2020 | Part 2

Best of diploma 2020 | Part 2

Things that may seem natural to the majority of us – such as hand writing, chatting or the fact that we have a place we call home – are not available to certain communities or pose everyday difficulties for them. Designers must respond to their needs, too, without designing stigmatizing objects or
“Living autonomously, independently and safely at old age” | Odin

“Living autonomously, independently and safely at old age” | Odin

As we age, our environment and even the simplest everyday task may become a challenge or a source of problems. Viktória Horváth wishes to help the elderly tackle these challenges with her intelligent and customized set of objects for their homes, thus providing a safe living environment for the elderly.
Tandem bike with a twist | Hugbike

Tandem bike with a twist | Hugbike

Opera della Marca and Italian foundation Oltre il Labirinto [http://www.oltrelabirinto.it/] decided to democratize cycling, and to make it accessible to as many people as possible. As a result, they created a new and unique tandem bike, going under the name HUGBIKE. Let’s see the details. In
Feeling free, safe and loved at school | Sarit Shani Hay

Feeling free, safe and loved at school | Sarit Shani Hay

Tel Aviv’s first inclusive school reinterprets how a well-designed pedagogical environment accessible to everyone should look like in the 21st century. Accessibility, equality, aesthetics and functionality in a single space. Let’s see the details. Israeli designer Sarit Shani Hay [https://shanihay.com/] plays a pioneer role in the
"Designing with instead of designing for"

"Designing with instead of designing for"

Contemporary, aesthetic and functional objects, made in the spirit of inclusivity. French-born Aurore Brard creates her product concepts with various special needs in mind, resulting in objects appealing to people without disabilities, too. Let’s see the details. Aurore Brard [http://www.aurorebrard.com/] finished her studies at Design Academy


A device that does not only facilitate the orientation of the visually impaired, but that can also be worn as a fashionable and customizable accessory. Senzo is an alternative assistive device for orientation promoting spatial awareness with a sensor, thus increasing the independence of its user. A significant added value
INCLUSIVE | Unobstructed

INCLUSIVE | Unobstructed

Daring, bold and characteristic, but these aren’t really the things that make it truly special. The fashion industry is slowly adjusting to social diversity and our manifold needs. It’s hard to find clothing suitable for people with physical disabilities, in wheelchairs. In spite of the moderate shift that


Friendly, lovable and minimalistic: the Szignó card game helps us to learn sing language in a standardized and easily comprehensible manner, not only for the deaf but also for the hearing. In addition to its educative nature, the game also aims to eliminate the barriers established in relation to the


Barátságos, szerethető és letisztult: a Szignó kártyajáték sztenderdizált, könnyen befogadható formában segít a jelnyelv elsajátításában, nem csak siketek, hanem hallók számára is egyaránt. Edukatív jellege mellett, további célja a jelnyelv használattal kapcsolatos kialakult gátak lebontása. A nyelv az emberi kommunikáció és társas tevékenység legáltalánosabb eszköze. Kevésbé közismert tény, hogy a
INCLUSIVE | Design for care_02

INCLUSIVE | Design for care_02

Our previous INCLUSIVE article [https://hypeandhyper.com/en/inlcusive-design-for-care_01/] also tried to answer the question of how a design object can be integrative without resulting in any kind of negative prejudice or feeling. Responding to the question stated above, Anna Borbála Lányi called sport and movement to help: PLAY
INCLUSIVE | Gondoskodó tervezés_02

INCLUSIVE | Gondoskodó tervezés_02

Előző INCLUSIVE cikkünkben [https://hypeandhyper.com/inlcusive-gondoskodo-tervezes_01/] is arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen módon lehet egy design tárgy integráló, anélkül, hogy bármilyen negatív előítéletet vagy érzetet keltsen. Lányi Anna Borbála ezúttal a sport és a mozgás eszközét hívta segítségül: a PLAY bALL egy ügyességi és készségfejlesztő labdás játék,
INCLUSIVE | Design for care_01

INCLUSIVE | Design for care_01

Special drawing instruments that make self-expression possible and fun for physically disabled children, while also contributing to the development of the individual as therapeutic devices. The specially developed combo of tools – with which the students of the school are still creating today – was created in collaboration with Csillagház Elementary School,
INLCUSIVE | Gondoskodó tervezés_01

INLCUSIVE | Gondoskodó tervezés_01

Különleges rajzeszközök, amelyek lehetővé és élményszerűvé teszik az önkifejezést mozgáskorlátozott gyerekek számára, és mint terápiás eszközök hozzájárulnak az egyén fejlődéséhez is. A speciálisan kifejlesztett tárgyegyüttes a Csillagház Általános Iskola együttműködésében, az ott tanuló halmozottan sérült gyerekek igényeiből kiindulva jött létre, amellyel az iskola diákjai a mai napig is folyamatosan alkotnak.