Budapest by Labrosse I Bedő House
Bizarre kissing scene forming a heart made of heads right on the first floor, the black dog is trying to catch the blue worm head. Life in motion, the hullabaloo wiggles and ripples. Coffee is just within a window-arm reach: I MUST HAVE IT! In the meanwhile, the saxophone plays quiet jazz. The special characters of Daniel Labrosse take over the buildings of Budapest for an entire year here, on HYPEANDHYPER! Look at the picture – can you find the pigeon smoking a cigarette in Bedő House?
“I discovered Bedő House a few years back, when my girlfriend from the USA visited Budapest for the first time. We tried to get done all the “touristy” programs in the first week.
One of our first stops was the Parliament. We were walking around in the neighborhood of Kossuth tér, then we headed to Szabadság tér, after which we wandered off to Honvéd utca. My girlfriend noticed the mint-green color of Bedő House in an instant – it stands out from the neighboring brown-beige-green buildings quite a bit. I usually don’t place any personal references in my works, however, here I displayed us hand in hand, as we are standing next to the entrance.
The Art Nouveau building has a kind of cartoon-like, somewhat child’s drawing feel to it. Almost every window and balcony has a different shape and is placed differently. This was the first building in Budapest that I wanted to cover. If we wandered to Aulich utca for example instead of Honvéd utca that day, maybe this series would not exist at all. I first drew the building in 2018 as part of a wall graphic made for the wall of an office building, and this year’s fall I adapted it into an illustration in motion for the closing event of Design Week Budapest” – explains Dani about his latest work.

Your task this time: find the pigeon smoking a cigarette!
Bedő House
The house was designed by architect Emil Vidor in 1903, based on the order of Béla Bedő, a famous art collector and factory director, at Honvéd utca 3. The first floor of the building gave home to the apartment of the owner, Mr. Bedő. The entire furnishing of the flat was also designed by Vidor. The ornaments of the façade of the Art Nouveau building display Hungarian motifs and were created by the Zsolnay factory in Pécs. Since its renovation in 2007, the building gives home to the House of Hungarian Art Nouveau.
In our latest Budapest by Labrosse series, the special characters of Daniel Labrosse take over the buildings of Budapest for an entire year here, on HYPEANDHYPER! Come, take a look at the pictures and play with us!