In October 2018, the negative records were broken: the water level decreased under the lowest level ever recorded at several points of the Danube. In the Budapest section, the lowest water level ever recorded was 51 cm, registered on November 6, 1947. After the flood of 2013, which once again broke results, 2018 water level managed to fell short of the water level of 1947.
The negative record of the Danube on October 25, 2018, was 38 cm.Luckily, owing to the rainy weather of the past days, the water level of the Danube started to rise. We have made an illustration displaying this and the flood 5 years ago about the highest and lowest water levels in Budapest ever recorded.

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Savarin | Prague
Not only here in Budapest but in whole Eastern-Europe it is an ongoing project
to restore the traces of damage of trendy post-war urban conceptions, and
rushed, mainly political ’restorations’ or demolitions. In Pest, the
Hauszmann-plan with the Buda Castle, and the Savarin in Prague are such great
city investments.

At the Estonian seaside
The Matsi Beach is located in the middle part of Estonia, at the beach of the
Riga-bay and not far from the pier are the two houses that will warm the heart
of even those who would have thought about spending time at the Estonian beach.
The bigger hose is

The face, the pool, two towers and a ruin
Modern housing estates are harsh. Haszkovó is no different. Their story
intertwined with unbearability, greyness and soullessness. Can something giving
home to twenty thousand people be grey and unbearable? Is it possible that these
stereotypes only prevent us from looking at these housing estates as true cities
and thus from