Italian Platform magazine features Polish and Hungarian studios among the best young architects

Italian Platform magazine features Polish and Hungarian studios among the best young architects

This year, for the first time, the Platform magazine’s list of 40 studios under 40 has been extended from Italian architectural studios to the whole of Europe, and two regional names have been included.

For years, the Italian Platform magazine has been listing the Italian architectural studios that stand out in the current year, usually featuring 40 studios whose founders are under 40 years old and have achieved outstanding results or who have a remarkable architectural approach.

This year, for the first time, they are presenting an issue that focuses not only on Italy but on the whole of Europe, and they have included in this selection Hungarian Paradigma Ariadné and Polish BUDCUD, along with studios such as Portuguese Fala, Russian-Swiss KOSMOS, Belgian Traumnovelle, Spanish Bonel+Dóriga, and British OMMX.

In his introduction, editorial director Luca Molinari pointed out that they created a European selection and broadened the magazine’s horizons at a historical moment when Europe and the European idea are being tested by the clash of nationalisms and the fact of war. Thus, the selection is also a statement in favor of a united Europeanness, and for this reason, the boundaries of the selection have been boldly extended to Turkey and Russia.

Source: Paradigma Ariadné