Piqniq Budapest and Mastercard carried out comprehensive research. In the Gastronomy Survey of the Year— 2021, 400 professionals and 1600 people interested in the field were asked, among other things, about the attractiveness of the industry.
Although almost 20,000 people have left the profession in Hungary since the pandemic broke out, the survey shows that more than ten percent of those who have chosen a completely different career would like to open their own place in the future.“Non-professionals often associate starting their own gastro business with romantic notions. Many make the mistake of thinking that good taste is enough to start a place, and don’t think about the costs of opening and running it, or how their lifestyle will change,” said Alexandra Rétfalvi-Kurucz, co-founder of Piqniq Budapest. Piqniq’s Mastercard-supported 2.0 campaign, which launches at the end of November, focuses on laypeople who are passionate about gastronomy and are considering starting their own business, as well as professionals open to learning and development with mentoring programs and educational materials.

Photos: Dávid Horpáczi

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