For the fifth time this year, Szent György Hill will welcome wine lovers on a dawn-to-dusk walk: on June 11, guests will be invited to discover the hill, local wines and wineries at nearly 20 locations. The hosts will be preparing music and delicious snacks, but there will also be some hiking and games.
On Saturday, the event starts at 1 pm: it’s worth visiting for the whole day and enjoying the picnic atmosphere, to head for the hill. Even cellars that are otherwise more difficult to visit will open for the occasion. One thing’s for sure: arrive on Friday—for the wine and poetry evening and small tastings—and get there early on Saturday to make sure you have time to explore!
Participating wineries in 2022: Szászi Birtok, Hóbor Pince, Hoffmann Pince, Tarányi 1780, Gilvesy Winery (borpont) and Gilvesy B-Üzem, Napvirág Pince, Boksay Pince, Napsárkán Pince (Bajnóczy Pince), Pláne Badacsony borterasz X Földi Bálint, Nyári Pince, Molnár Családi Pince, Killer Pince, 2HA Szőlőbirtok, Kiss Pince, Horváth Pince, Borbolt a völgyben, Zöldülő terasz.
Source: press release

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