Sculptures wrapped in textiles by Magdalena Abakanowicz

Sculptures wrapped in textiles by Magdalena Abakanowicz

Magdalena Abakanowicz, Polish sculptor and textile artist, revolutionized two disciplines at once, as she got into sculpturing through the technique of weaving. The most complete collection of her work can be found in the National Museum in Wrocław. The monographic exhibition at Pawilonie Czterech Kopuł presents this extremely rich collection, where you can see most of Abakanowicz’s work.

With no chronological order, the exhibition features 53 sculptures made up of several elements. Visual and documentary elements, archival films, projected photographs, letters, notes and telegrams help to explore and understand the works. With the help of a seemingly incidental exhibition display, curators Barbara Banaś and Iwona Dorota Bigos guide visitors around key motifs and artistic issues that have preoccupied Abakanowicz throughout her life.

The Magdalena Abakanowicz. Totalna exhibition was created under the patronage of “Vogue Polska”, and can be seen in the so-called Four Domes Pavilion of the National Museum in Wrocław until 28 August 2022.

Photos: Materiały prasowe
Source: Vogue Polska

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