The earth tilted, borders are being drawn in sharp angles by black ink, the purple shade of a scarf, perhaps, on top of the strict lines. If above me, if below, like an island in the sky. I live here. Budapest.
A series by Ferenc Forrai.
Ádám Nádasdy was born 73 years ago, on February 15, 1947.
Jártuk a várost egész éjszaka,
alig beszéltünk, gondolkodni se
bírtunk nagyon, kezdődő szerelem,
de mindez hová vezet, dombra föl,
aztán váratlanul vasúti sín,
hogy kerül ide egy mozdony, piros,
társtalanul egy enyhe mélyedésben,
lementünk melléje, ott összefontuk
a kisujjunkat, eljegyzés gyanánt.

Square-angle is a symbol of togetherness. The belonging and identity of nations is presented by the unique code system of the series formed by shapes and colors through the literature of the Visegrad countries. Citizens, four times: Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest. Four cities, four colors, one section. Making four cities of four countries four-angled; a common conglomerate.
The latest parts of Square-angle released on HYPEANDHYPER are about Budapest.
The parts already released can be read HERE.
Our interview made with Ferenc Forrai in relation to the Square-angle series under the title “Squares of Budapest with a view” can be read HERE.

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