

TRN Collection by Pani Jurek | Conceptual furniture from Poland
product design

TRN Collection by Pani Jurek | Conceptual furniture from Poland

Special geometric and statue-like shapes resembling calligraphy, bold colors and sophisticated use of materials. We present you the latest furniture collection of the Polish Pani Jurek brand: the TRN Collection. Magda Jurek, the founder of the brand has a strong conceptual attitude and mindset towards creation. Her goal is to
HYPE | Weekly program guide

HYPE | Weekly program guide

Even we ourselves don’t know why, but this week is full of good lecture series and discussions, may it be about fashion, urbanism, festival management, speculative design or sustainable design. We also added two workshops to spice it up a bit. Let’s see the details! Creative Bureaucracy: urban
HYPE | Heti programajánló

HYPE | Heti programajánló

Mi magunk sem tudjuk, hogy miért, de ez a hét hemzseg a jobbnál jobb előadássorozatoktól és beszélgetésektől, legyen szó divatról, urbanisztikáról, fesztiválmenedzsmentről, spekulatív designról, vagy éppen fenntartható tervezésről. Azért lazításképp két workshopot is beiktattunk. Mutatjuk a részleteket! Kreatív Bürokrácia: városi (lét)kérdések II. Hétfő este folytatódik a Lumenben [https://www.
HYPE | Weekly program guide

HYPE | Weekly program guide

Although it’s almost the end of January, the year is just about to really start off – at least in terms of programs. Each day of this week offers something exciting: bag-making workshops, exhibition opening in Ludwig Museum, discussions about ethical design and the life of freelancers abroad, introduction into