

Motherhood beyond the baby powder—Hana Knížová reveals the charm of reality instead of the idyll

Motherhood beyond the baby powder—Hana Knížová reveals the charm of reality instead of the idyll

What is it like to be a mother? According to the big book it’s the most wonderful thing in the world, but what is it really like to live in a crayon-decorated flat imbued with the smell of breast milk? Photographer Hana Knížová’s Mothers series offers a bittersweet
Motherhood through the camera lens | Interview with Luca Markó

Motherhood through the camera lens | Interview with Luca Markó

Visual artist Luca Markó graduated from MOME (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design—the Transl.) in 2018, with a degree in Media Design and today she is the happy mother of a little girl. On her Instagram page, she shares her analog photos on a daily and weekly basis, through