
péter reimholz

”This is Péter’s award, and I’ll take it to him” | Interview with architect Zsófia Csomay

”This is Péter’s award, and I’ll take it to him” | Interview with architect Zsófia Csomay

The architect Zsófia Csomay is an emblematic figure at MOME, and is now almost a byword—not only at the university but also in the Hungarian architectural profession—even if she feels this is an exaggeration. She turned 80 last year, but to this day she still rides her bike
The 15th Moholy-Nagy Award was presented

The 15th Moholy-Nagy Award was presented

This year marked the 15th edition of the Moholy-Nagy Awards ceremony. The 2021 award was shared by Zsófia Csomay and posthumously Péter Reimholz, architects, founders of CET Budapest, and faculty members of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. The award, presented every November since 2006, is given to individuals whose
Contemporary architecture here? | A tour in Budapest’s Víziváros

Contemporary architecture here? | A tour in Budapest’s Víziváros

When we think of the Víziváros district of Buda, contemporary architecture probably isn’t among the first things that pop up in our minds. We rather think of the brick building of the market in Batthyány Square, the domes of Király Bath and the plethora of tiny cafes in the