
self-driving car

Everyone’s voice was heard, we could even talk with Elon Musk | Interview with Gábor Szabó

Everyone’s voice was heard, we could even talk with Elon Musk | Interview with Gábor Szabó

He had weekly meetings with the wealthiest person in the world as Elon Musk is not a micro- but a nanomanager. Tesla’s Autopilot is close to Musk’s heart, and he is an enthusiastic tester of new cars. We asked Gábor Szabó, Ph.D., about working for Tesla and
The world’s first electric autonomous delivery van | Einride

The world’s first electric autonomous delivery van | Einride

Einride released its electric, self-driving delivery van, which could be the first in its category to conquer public roads. Named Pod, the vehicle was developed by the Swedish company expressly for delivery purposes, with a capacity of 20 hours a day. The car’s exterior evokes classic delivery vans (minus
A touchless touch | Glamos

A touchless touch | Glamos

“I should have bought the touchscreen version…” – a thought that has probably popped up several times in our minds. Two ex-Samsung engineers from CoreDAR [http://coredar.com/] proposed a solution to this problem and the issue of touchlessness gaining more and more importance today. The inventors created the world’s