
solar energy

European Space Agency to harvest solar energy from space farms

European Space Agency to harvest solar energy from space farms

ESA is exploring space to find ways to solve our planet’s energy problems in a greener way. Engineers at the European Space Agency (ESA) are working on groundbreaking solutions to help achieve carbon neutrality on the continent by the 2030s. This will require a massive amount of alternative energy
Who is the conductor of the energy industry’s orchestra?

Who is the conductor of the energy industry’s orchestra?

The energy crisis is one of the most pressing issues in Central and Eastern Europe. How will we heat during the winter? Is energy independence possible, and if so, at what cost? Does Europe have to decide between building a turbine or a tank from its steel? These questions were
Marc Thorpe designs eco-conscious cabin in the Carpathians

Marc Thorpe designs eco-conscious cabin in the Carpathians

The American architect Marc Thorpe is the designer of the cabins being built as an extension of the Romanian Tara Luanei hotel, inspired by sustainability, Romanian vernacular architecture, and minimalism. Construction of the cabins will start this summer As part of a project called Canton House, Thorpe designs cabins for
Sunshine for all—The Sunne lamp brings the colors of the sun into your home

Sunshine for all—The Sunne lamp brings the colors of the sun into your home

Marjan van Aubel wants to achieve that people use as many energy-efficient solutions in their homes as possible through intelligent and visually enjoyable design. Dubbed Sunne, her latest lamp turns to the Sun—both for energy and for inspiration. In 2015, she won the London Design Medal for Emerging Talent
Clean drinking water from sunlight and seawater

Clean drinking water from sunlight and seawater

Solar Desalination Skylight is an innovative device that uses solar energy to extract salt from seawater, while also supplying households with light. Now for the ninth year, Lexus Design Awards rewards projects that focus on improving the quality of life as well as protecting the environment. Finalists include the project