
the informant

Görbeország was the audience favorite at Highlights of Hungary

Görbeország was the audience favorite at Highlights of Hungary

„Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts” (“Inspire, create, grow”—free translation, a quote from Ferenc Kölcsey’s poem Huszt)—this was the motto of this year’s prize for inspiring initiatives, awarded by the founders and curators of the prize. Once again, the curators of the Highlights of Hungary award were looking for
A joy to write, a joy to read | Favorite articles from the Hype&Hyper team III.

A joy to write, a joy to read | Favorite articles from the Hype&Hyper team III.

It takes real teamwork to get quality writing published. Finding an exciting topic, researching sources, or hunting down interview subjects all require creativity and determination. In addition to the text, beautiful photos and unique illustrations are essential, and in our case, we shouldn’t forget that the articles need to