The works awarded in the joint competition of LEGO and MOME are on display at a virtual exhibition

The works awarded in the joint competition of LEGO and MOME are on display at a virtual exhibition

The participants of the joint creative competition of LEGO Hungária Kft. and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) made special mosaic images using tens of thousands of LEGO cubes. Held for the first time, the competition called Talent Awards aims to bring together fans of design, arts and LEGO. A special exhibition displaying the most exciting works can be viewed from today.

In a competition announced nationwide as well as for MOME students and staff, the participants re-created their own world using mosaic technique and LEGO cubes. The exhibited mosaics include sculptures, lenticular and mixed media works and pieces that use negative space. In addition to one-dimensional structures, many solutions were submitted that made the most of the possibilities offered by cubes and space.

NATIONAL COMPETITION 1st PLACE Luca Fabók – KockArt (CubeArt)
MOME COMPETITION 1st PLACE Évu Szabó – Beszélgetés a Campuson (Conversation on Campus)
SPECIAL AWARD Évu Szabó – Új ikon (New icon) (Katalin Karikó)

The exhibition can be viewed on the Talent Awards website.

The works can also be viewed live at MOME’s Zugliget Campus, on the first floor of the BASE building, at a one-of-a-kind outdoor exhibition until June 10.

Source: press release