I met Miki at a quite good carnival party and I asked him right away what he was working on at the time. He showed me the raw version of his new video created with Izabella Mazzag and Beton.Hofi, and what I said was okay, we have to run this. I must admit that I didn’t hear much about Beton.Hofi before, but the song and the video are both very convincing. Interview and clip premier on HYPEANDHYPER!

What was your first idea about the clip?
Izabella: It was Miki’s idea to do a black and white video by all means and that we could elaborate the meanings of the black color. We wanted a true rap video that hits and blows your head off. Our ideas also included communication with associative images.
Miki: It was important to get an end result that does not build on the usual rap clichés and that can reflect on the lyrics through sensations. We had luck with Ádám (Beton.Hofi – the ed.) as we could work together as co-creators all the way and I think he understood our concept from the very first moment.

How did you create the video? If I got it right, there was no crew and you guys did virtually everything.
Izabella: We were hanging out with Ádám a lot, which resulted in an informal atmosphere but of course we had a lot of help.
Miki: We did not have a large crew in the traditional sense but a lot of people worked on the scenes on certain days in the background.
Beton.Hofi: The small group of creators and the informal atmosphere gave us greater freedom. As a new performer, I gained a great deal of useful experience during the entire shooting.

Hofi, how did you start rapping?
I created demos already at the age of sixteen off the record and I freestyled a lot, but the so-called Beton.Hofi era started with creating a Muay Thai entrance music for a friend of mine. I quasi “smelled blood”.

In addition to the lyrics, what is the song and your work about?
For me it is about everything that happens in our everyday life in this part of Europe. I wanted to write a song that can create a musical adaption of the atmosphere of the “Aranyélet” (Golden Life) or “Blinded by the Lights” (Polish HBO) series. Anything I do, I do it so that one day I can become an unavoidable MC in Hungary.

This Airbnb could easily be a set in Chernobyl

Pinus Restaurant | Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia