Special geometric and statue-like shapes resembling calligraphy, bold colors and sophisticated use of materials. We present you the latest furniture collection of the Polish Pani Jurek brand: the TRN Collection.
Magda Jurek, the founder of the brand has a strong conceptual attitude and mindset towards creation. Her goal is to create unconventional and unusual design objects and pieces of furniture that also force us, the users, to think.

One of the peculiarities of the brand is that it commemorates inspiring historical persons in the form of design objects. Including, for example, the Maria S.C. chandelier collection launched in 2011 consisting of test tubes, named after Marie Curie (Maria Skłodowska-Curie) Nobel Prize-winning pioneer Polish scientist. The specialty of the chandelier is that we can tailor its appearance to our mood or any occasion: we can put fresh cut flowers, dead wood or sparklers at New Year’s Eve into the test tubes of the chandelier. This solution allows artistic self-expression and visual experiments for the users.

The latest collection, enhancing the conceptual quality of the brand, pays tribute to Jan Tarasin, Polish graphic artist. Terasin’s visual world is characterized by a curiosity towards objects: he simplified the shapes of our everyday objects and transformed them into abstract signs both in his graphics and paintings. The TRN furniture collection reverses this process: it reverse engineers characters (also known as ideograms) into objects, this way creating a spatial calligraphic dialogue and game of shapes.

Looking for the form of an object, placing things in the space or building the relation between them, is all “visual thinking” to me. I am also a painter by education and picture thinker. I believe we all are. Furnishing the apartment or setting the table, more or less consciously, means that everyday we are creating an infinite number of compositions, that all refer to our sense of harmony and proportion.– adds Magda Jurek.

The TRN collection includes a small table, a mirror and a lamp, and we can create unique compositions out of the elements of the pieces. The unique character of the furniture is further emphasized by the choice of materials: the table and the mirror is made out of wax-covered ash, while the lamps are made of enameled ceramics, with yellow brass elements.

The pieces of designer furniture are suitable for both commercial use and for decorating the interior of residential places: the specific elements look good together as well, but owing to their statue-like appearance, either member of the collection can become a separate gem of any apartment.

The mindset represented by the Pani Jurek brand is undoubtedly powerful, creative and innovative. It is worth our attention by all means.
For new stuff, follow the online platforms of the brand:
Pani Jurek web | Pani Jurek Facebook | Pani Jurek Instagram
Photo: PION Studio Photography

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