The holiday season helps us get through dark, grey and cold days, they say. But what should we do if winter’s grandeur is long gone, but spring is still to far away?! Maybe spending some time in a fine brunch place is the perfect solution. The following project selection presents the images of places that can help you overcome your melancholy even on these gloomy days.
Mahlo Brunch Bar | Berlin, Germany
Gabby Lord

PIE+CAKE+COFFEE | Mumbai, India
Rounak Bhattacharjee

Fork | San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Menta .

Avocado Brunch Bar | London, United Kingdom
Tabitha Stead

Lumen Café | Ponta Grossa, Brazil
A Fábr1ca Desenvolvimento e Comunicação
Stroit Agência

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INSTA LÁV | lifeannalized
Annaliza Kiss has always loved cartoons; she loves the emotional depictions of
characters so much that when something funny, unbelievable or sad happens to
her, she imagines what it would look like as a frame in a cartoon. She also
looks for the positive aspect of every happening in life:

street art
"Graffiti is an important part of culture" | Interview with Fat Heat
How can one earn a living from their teenage hobbies? How is the genre of
graffiti and street art perceived today? How should one imagine the graffiti
scene? We discussed questions like this with Fat Heat, one of the
internationally renowned representatives of Hungarian street art, the artist
winning the