Static and boring at the same time, or hectic and subversive at the same time? The existence of exhibitions is almost incomprehensible, as they satisfy a human desire that appears differently in everyone. Our basic need is to admire, cultivate and receive knowledge, and an exhibition provides an excellent opportunity to satisfy this. In our current project selection, we bring five contemporary examples of exhibitions.
Exhibitions have always played an important role in shaping European identity, starting with the salons in Paris, where myths about art were overturned and where representatives of new trends were first humiliated and then put on a pedestal. This platform does not seem to be able to vanish from culture-hungry societies in the wake of a pandemic either.
Many of us remember the annoyance of walking through each of the exhibitions on elementary school trips. Fine art exhibitions, which often do not satisfy the needs of children, have now become more interactive and fun thanks to the approach of learning by playing. Over time, the graphic and structural creation of an exhibition has become a separate profession, so now we have selected such and similar works and projects for you from China to Greece.
Time Section | Shenzhen, China
Zhang Shuo
Land for Us All | Vienna, Austria
Manuel Radde
Studio LWZ
emogram x CQIFS / 2020 | Budapest, Hungary
kissmiklos .
GO BANANAS | Taipei, Taiwan
Yi-wen Zhong
Athens Olympic Museum | Athens, Greece
Maritina Laskaridou
Konstantinos Pappas
Alex Pyrenis