

Romania and Bulgaria are trying to convince the skeptics of their Schengen accession

Romania and Bulgaria are trying to convince the skeptics of their Schengen accession

The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area is still blocked. When can they succeed? Only Croatia joined the Schengen Area on 1 January, as Austria and the Netherlands blocked the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. Still, the two countries continue working hard to become members of the
Bulgarian writer wins Booker Prize for the first time

Bulgarian writer wins Booker Prize for the first time

One of the most important awards in literature this year was given to Georgi Gospodinov for his novel Time Shelter. Bulgarian author Georgi Gospodinov and the translator of his novel, Angela Rodel, are the first Bulgarian writer and translator duo to win the Booker Prize. Gospodinov is the most popular
The absurd humor of political ceremonies—Interview with Nikola Mihov | Printed Pasts

The absurd humor of political ceremonies—Interview with Nikola Mihov | Printed Pasts

Nikola Mihov is a Bulgarian artist, photographer, and curator based in Sofia. In his photobook He Breaks, He Cuts, He Spills (published by Janet 45 in 2021) we can see Todor Zhivkov, Bulgaria’s former Communist leader, doing three repetitive gestures during welcoming and opening ceremonies: breaking bread, cutting ribbons,
Cheap Ukrainian grain destroys Central Europe

Cheap Ukrainian grain destroys Central Europe

The massive imports of Ukrainian grain and its economic consequences are causing turmoil among Central and Eastern Europe’s farmers in the past few months. The problems even affect Polish politics: Henryk Kowalczyk, Poland’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, resigned on 5 April amid growing protests and the
Previously unknown Pollock painting may have been found by Bulgarian authorities

Previously unknown Pollock painting may have been found by Bulgarian authorities

During a raid in Sofia, Bulgarian police discovered a previously unknown painting whose author could be Jackson Pollock. The artwork dates from 1949 and could be worth up to €50 million. On the back of the canvas is a handwritten dedication to the American actress—and art collector—Lauren Bacall:
Croatia: goodbye to border control, hello to euro

Croatia: goodbye to border control, hello to euro

1 January 2023 has not been just another New Year’s Day for Croatia: the Western Balkan country joined the Schengen Area, and the Croatian kuna has been replaced by the euro. But what do the forward-looking developments mean in practice? The Schengen Area membership means significant freedom to the
Egy régi kantint alakítottak át művészeti központtá Bulgáriában

Egy régi kantint alakítottak át művészeti központtá Bulgáriában

A nemrégiben felújított Vihrony Művészeti Központ a Balkán-hegység peremén, Dolno Kamartsi falu központjában, a bolgár fővárostól negyven kilométerre található. A bolgár Vision consulting stúdió közel három éve dolgozik az egykori iskolakantin újjáépítésén. A meglévő épület eredetileg a nyolcvanas évek elején épült a kommunizmus építészetének jegyeit követve, majd az idők során
Old canteen transformed into art center in Bulgaria

Old canteen transformed into art center in Bulgaria

The recently renovated Art Centre Vihrony is located in the center of Dolno Kamartsi village, on the edge of the Balkan Mountains, forty kilometers from the Bulgarian capital. Bulgarian architecture office Vision consulting has been working for almost three years to rebuild the former school cafeteria. Originally built in the
A new footbridge was built in Sofia’s popular park

A new footbridge was built in Sofia’s popular park

Boele Architects, based in London and Prague, has won an open international contest to design and build a new bridge in Sofia’s South Park for pedestrians and cyclists. Opened in 1972, South Park stretches from the outskirts of Sofia to the National Palace of Culture in the city center.
Working together for the city | The Bulgarian Team Sofia

Working together for the city | The Bulgarian Team Sofia

Team Sofia is an association of experts, citizens, and organizations committed to the future of Sofia. They spoke about projects, plans, and challenges in their presentation at the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre in Budapest. “We believe that our city needs to start to be governed in a new way, and
Sneaking into the past: the heyday of urbex in Eastern Europe

Sneaking into the past: the heyday of urbex in Eastern Europe

Most of us pass by the once vibrant, but now abandoned and dilapidated buildings with a mixture of nostalgia and rue. But not everyone leaves it at that: urbexers (urban explorers) are dedicated to discovering places, often illegally, that still have the charm of the past but are now deserted.
What challenges do the Western Balkans face?

What challenges do the Western Balkans face?

„We still debate history as our reality.” Once known as the powder keg of Europe, many things changed in the Balkans, but the challenges remained. EU integration, the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the Bosnian and Bulgarian elections are crucial issues at the moment, shaping the Balkans’ future. The Mathias Corvinus Collegium