

Like a local Bratislava 2 | FACH, SUVENIR, Chez Balzac

Like a local Bratislava 2 | FACH, SUVENIR, Chez Balzac

Ahoj! In this gourmet edition of “Like a Local” in Bratislava, we’ll guide you through places that are more than meets the eye, that have hidden value, and where you can, as we say in Slovak, “kill two flies with one blow.” Anyway, let’s start in the heart
Dávid Zubreczki’s new book tells the stories of the Danube Bend in the language of churches

Dávid Zubreczki’s new book tells the stories of the Danube Bend in the language of churches

From the country’s largest basilica to the northernmost mosque of the Ottoman Empire or a globally significant work of Hungarian Renaissance architecture—accompanied by “architectural storyteller” Dávid Zubreczki, we can again enjoy a good walk, this time, in one of the most beautiful areas of Hungary, the Danube Bend.
Czech souvenirs beyond the Mole keychains | Pragtique

Czech souvenirs beyond the Mole keychains | Pragtique

Printed cups, fridge magnets, postcards bordering on kitsch – cliché souvenirs we have all encountered at one point when travelling. Those heading towards Prague, listen up: here’s your go-to place when it comes to souvenirs. Even though the Covid-19 epidemic forced tourism to its knee with a single strike, the