

Celebrate the summer fruit season with the strawberry ceramics of MUAS

Celebrate the summer fruit season with the strawberry ceramics of MUAS

Summer is officially here, and the Polish ceramic studio MUAS has opened the strawberry season with its new ceramic collection. Hot strawberry foam-like glazes happily pour from the fantastic pots, tempting you to take a delicious sip. Kati Romanowska and Łukasz Przygodziński, the founders of MUAS, have already made us
Lively ceramics for a gloomy day | TOP 5

Lively ceramics for a gloomy day | TOP 5

Looking back at recent years, this is perhaps the time to be most grateful to the ceramists who make the boho objects and who are working every day to cheer us up. Their unique handmade ceramic objects almost speak to us and in many cases, they seem to be endowed
Playful tableware makes the canteen a happier place

Playful tableware makes the canteen a happier place

Many of us certainly have had negative experiences from the years we spent in public education. In my memories, the unpleasant taste, smell, and appearance of food are often paired with depressing environments: scratchy and sticky brown plastic trays, rigid cutlery, and “Don’t play with your food” type admonitions
Read in style! | Anna Ott is bracing with Hungarian designers

Read in style! | Anna Ott is bracing with Hungarian designers

“I’m Anna Ott. I read.”—it’s a crystal-clear self-definition from a purposeful philologist manager who, in addition to reading all day, is confident in building her own brand. On Anna’s recently launched website, you’ll find not only book reviews and discussions, but also stylish accessories that