
norma grand

Where you find what you’re looking for | Csemege

Where you find what you’re looking for | Csemege

Most of us like to discover new things, but sometimes it’s more comfortable to stick with what we know. When you know that where you’re going, there’s an open door, good vibes, and a warm welcome with delicious food and coffee that’s been tried and tested
“How happy the people living here must be!” | Leaving the city part 2—Vaskapu Kastély Pince, Mohács

“How happy the people living here must be!” | Leaving the city part 2—Vaskapu Kastély Pince, Mohács

Someone can have several homes in life: Géza Galán’s story began in Bratislava and continued in Budapest before a fateful Búsójárás (meaning “Busó-walking”, a tradition which includes the Busós of Mohács wearing masks, listening to folk music, parading and dancing—the Transl.) in Mohács made him fall in love