
world cuisine

Michelin-starred restaurants in Eastern Europe | TOP5

Michelin-starred restaurants in Eastern Europe | TOP5

Restaurants that are ‘starred’ by the Michelin experts year after year light up the imaginary sky. And it is even more rewarding that more and more restaurants in the gastronomic world of our region receive this recognition. Let’s discover their astonishing culinary talent! Babel | Hungary Babel, which was founded
Food design inside and out—specialties in your kitchen

Food design inside and out—specialties in your kitchen

If you’re missing some color and spice from your kitchen, the solution is neither complicated, nor out of reach. With a bit of research, you’ll find real gems in Hungarian delis, which will not only look good on your shelf, but also put meals in a different dimension.
Like a local #3—Naspolya Nassolda, Szír Center, ONO Poké Bowl

Like a local #3—Naspolya Nassolda, Szír Center, ONO Poké Bowl

Veganuary, or vegan January, marks the beginning of the year for more and more people—luckily, if you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle out of this consideration or out of a long-standing commitment, you can choose delicious treats from a growing number of places, not only in Budapest but
Like a local Xmas—Christmas programs for foodies

Like a local Xmas—Christmas programs for foodies

As Christmas approaches, Budapest comes alive with sparkling lights and amazing flavors and smells. If you want to enjoy the festive atmosphere, but would like to go beyond the classic mulled wine and chimney cakes, read our tips for an unforgettable gastronomic experience! Christmas is all about baking and cooking
Mama’s cooking, in Chinese | Authentic lunch at ZHU & Co.

Mama’s cooking, in Chinese | Authentic lunch at ZHU & Co.

Food connects us. Perhaps this is one of my strongest experiences since I started working on the subject. Sure, it’s good to experiment, to try new things, but it’s still different to sit down at a common table with your loved ones or your family. Everything just tastes