Even though it hasn’t even been built yet, the House of Hungarian Music has already won several awards. Now it was recognized by one of the most prestigious music-professional contests of the world, the American Music Cities Awards.
The House of Hungarian Music designed by Sou Fujimoto as part of the Liget Budapest Project has become one of the nominees of Music Cities Awards amongst the best European development projects, where it finally won the award for the „Best Use Of Music In Property Development/Real Estate”. The aim of Music Cities established by the most important international players of the music industry is to promote the economic, social and cultural development of cities through music. The organization awarded the best music initiatives in nine categories for the first time this year.

The jury of the contest highlighted the unique concept of the building: “It was very convincing how the musical content appears beneath the spectacular appearance of the house in a well-thought-out manner: the three functions of the building – museum, performance art, education – are also separated from each other in the space. With its unmatched design as well as architectural and technical solutions fostering sustainable development, the building will serve as a worthy venue to its visitors”– said director of Music Cities Events Luke Jones.
Source: House of Hungarian Music

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