A library is a wonderful place that can open up magical, story-filled worlds in the figurative sense of the word. Whether the building is modern or just old, the vast number of books will captivate us sooner or later. In our selection today, if only virtually, we have brought you our favorite Eastern European libraries.
South-Transdanubia Regional Library and Knowledge Centre | Pécs, Hungary
What makes the library building truly unique is a central “beehive” that is a symbol of both permanence and an ideological center. The building is home to abstract thinking, a metaphor for the freedom of knowledge and the knowledge of freedom.

Biblioteka+ Centrum Kultury w Czarnym Borze | Czarny Bór, Poland
The town of Czarny Bór is home to a truly special library, a place where people can gather. In addition to its library function, the building also operates as a school and knowledge center. The architects of the ISBA Grupa Projektowa have determined the stylistic direction of the building’s design along with functionality, elegance and simplicity.

Admont Abbey Library | Admont, Austria
Admont Abbey is one of the oldest Benedictine monasteries in Austria, which is a big word in itself. What makes it truly extraordinary is that it has the largest monastic library in the world. It was built about seven hundred years later than the monastery itself, but this does not detract from the value of the late Baroque-style library, designed by Josef Hueber, which could even be the setting of a fairy tale.

University Library | Ruzomberok, Slovakia
Colorful and lively interiors characterize the library of the Slovakian Catholic university. Transparent and permeable exhibition and concert halls were also housed in the library of the campus designed by the a02 Atelier studio. Thanks to the light flooding through the huge glass windows and the open spaces, learning can really be an experience here.

National and University Library of Slovenia | Ljubljana, Slovenia
The National and University Library of Ljubljana was built in a special place on the site of the 19th-century Anersperg Palace. Today, we no longer notice if a library fills in other functions, but Jože Plečnik solved this fine in 1932. The building, reminiscent of an Italian palazzo, has been designed to have a number of lecture and teaching rooms for the university.

South-Transdanubia Regional Library and Knowledge Centre, Pécs | Web | Facebook
Biblioteka+ Centrum Kultury w Czarnym Borze | Web | Facebook
Admont Abbey Library | Web | Facebook
University Library, Ruzomberok | Web
National and University Library of Slovenia, Ljubljana | Web | Facebook
Sources: Archdaily, Culture.pl, Artfido, Hiddenarchitecture

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